Trademark Monitoring

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With the adoption by O.S.I.M of the Order no. 5 / 14.01.2016, this institution is no longer required to verify the existence of similar trademarks already existing at the time of filing the application for registration of a new trademark.

Earlier, O.S.I.M was also required to verify whether there were any relevant grounds for refusal to register. If the verification also resulted in the grounds expressly provided for by the special law, the application for registration of a new trademark could be rejected.
To avoid any unnecessary disputes, our specialists will do so for you.

With a carefully established periodicity, we will verifie if there have been introduced trademark applications that may be similar to those registered by our agency and once discovered, the necessary measures will be taken against them.

At the same time, brand portfolio monitoring will expand on demand and on all markets where there may be conflicts over trademarks whose protection you request.

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